Posted on: October 30, 2020 Posted by: admin Comments: 0
All About American Pit Bull Terrier Dog Breed

Some quick breed facts for the American Pit Bull Terrier include the following:

Country of Origin: us
Height: 18–22 inches
Weight: 30–60 pounds
Coat: Glossy, smooth, close, and fairly stiff
Colors: Any color, pattern, and combination except merle
Registries (With Group): UKC (Terrier)
Pit Bull Personality Traits

American Pit Bull Terriers make excellent companions once they are raised and trained with respect and knowledge. Although they need a reputation for aggression, a properly bred APBT is kind and caring toward children, intelligent, easily trained, loving, playful, expressive, faithful, and versatile. They are Some may have aggressive tendencies toward other dogs and a robust prey drive, but some get along perfectly well with other pets. they have a responsible owner who knows the breed, knows the way to properly socialize them, and knows the way to avoid potentially problematic situations.

Origin and History of Hell Bull

The American Pit Bull Terrier descends from Molossians, early Greek Mastiff-type dogs who were commonly found in fighting arenas throughout the Roman Empire. Developed from bull and terrier types, APBTs were originally employed by butchers to manage bulls and by hunters to assist catch and hold wild boars and other games. In England, these tasks evolved to become the sports of bull- and bear-baiting, the act of pitting dogs against bulls or bears, until these blood sports were outlawed in 1835 and dogfighting sprang up in its place. These dogs gained a reputation for being strong, handsome, loyal, and affectionate with their families. In fact, the breed quickly became popular within us as a dog and family companion, and dogfighting was outlawed in most states by the 1860s. Although dog fighting is against the law in most countries, including us, the APBT’s negative reputation for being a fighting dog has stayed with him. those that own and admire him for who he really is—and do so responsibly—hold the longer term of the breed in their hands.

Click here to know about PitBully Kennel

How to look after Pit Bulls

The American Pit Bull Terrier may be a high-energy dog who needs several walks per day to stay physically fit and mentally challenged. Using these walks as a chance to introduce your APBT to different people can help him become well socialized.

American Pit Bull Terriers have a brief, smooth coat that’s easily managed with regular brushing employing a firm-bristled brush and an occasional bath.

Life Span
The average lifetime of an American Pit Bull Terrier is 12 years.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is responsive and smart, making them a comparatively easy breed to coach. The APBT is capable of excelling in many areas that demand a high level of aptitude.

Socialization is a crucial part of training your APBT. Exposure to all or any kinds of people and places including positive reinforcement will help him to be a confident, trusting adult. thanks to societal perceptions of this breed, being out together with your American Pit Bull Terrier is usually difficult; however, every well-behaved, well-cared-for American Pit Bull Terrier can help reduce this stigma.

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